28 September 2024

An interesting link

Grayson sent me an interesting link today on the annual migration of the British Antarctic Survey aircraft to Antarctica... https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240912-the-12-stop-flight-across-the-world-in-a-60-year-old-plane  The article featured a picture of Falkland Island registered De Havilland Canada VP-FAZ and I was fairly sure I'd photographed it...

British Antarctic Survey DHC Twin Otter VP-FAZ at the South Pole on 22 December 2008

Also there on the same day were Kenn Borek Air's DHC Twin Otters, C-FSJB...

...and C-GKBG.

The following day I returned to McMurdo on US Air Force Lockheed LC130 Hercules 33000 seen here arriving at South Pole on 23 December 2008

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