21 December 2024

90 years on I had to go for a fly...

Glen in de Havilland DH83 Fox Moth ZK-ADI after the start of New Zealand's first airline at Greymouth on 18 December 2024

ZK-ADI's passenger accommodation 
A privilege to go flying with Richard Waugh who flew with his father Brian on the final flight of South Westland service in 1967

The old and new air ambulance - the Fox Moths were early air ambulances on the West Coast and the current one of the NZ Flying Doctor Service's Beech Super King Air air ambulance arriving from Christchurch

Lining up on Runway 19 at Greymouth

The new hospital at Greymouth

Someone photo bombing my photo of ZK-FDS

A good day for fishing on the right hand side

and the dead centre of Greymouth out the left

Between South Beach and Paroa

The Saltwater Creek lagoon

New River near Cameron coming in from the left and Saltwater Creek coming up from the bottom of the photo

The Taramakau River and the road and rail bridges

Taramakau River mouth looking south

Looking north towards Greymouth

Looking east up the Taramakau River towards Inchbonnie

Mining operations and restored land

New River each side of the aircraft

The Fox Moth's airspeed indicator

Peter Ridge of the left and the Twelve Apostle Range on the right to the north of the Grey River


Looking towards to Greymouth

The Paparoa Range

Looking towards Runanga and Rapahoe

The Twelve Apostle Range

Coming up over Greymouth

Looking up the Grey River towards Omoto and Kaiata

Grey River mouth

Joining overhead at Greymouth

The disused Victoria Park race course

Who is photographing who??? 

1 comment:

  1. I went for a flight in ZK-ADI 75 years on in December 2009, out of Hokitika Airport, but I also went for a flight in DH90 Dragonfly ZK-AYR on the same day. I actually forgot about the photographs and video clips I had taken during both flights, but while sorting through an old hard-drive a couple of years ago, I came across them, so posted them to my Facebook page, along with a couple of Facebook groups. Here is a link to the images and video clips on my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Kiwithrottlejockey/posts/pfbid02BZPUnjM8wp6vteNwYcvHGLo5s9yisszWq4Efi2ypswyHwnwwGknphd97n1BCFtdsl
