16 March 2025

A Flying trip to the Barrier

Taking advantage of Barrier Air's End of Financial Year sale I took a day trip to Great Barrier Island on 10 March 2025...

My ride to Claris, Barrier Air's Cessna 208B Grand Caravan ZK-SDC

Four Caravans were operating services into Claris... ZK-SDD

my ride home, ZK-SDE

and ZK-SDG

Sunair operated three flights from Tauranga into Claris in Piper Aztec ZK-DIR

Island Aviation's BN Islander ZK-SFK operated a couple of services to North Shore

Other visitors were the Northern Rescue Helicopters Sikorsky S-76 ZK-HQC

and the Ardmore Flying School's Cessna 172 ZK-NUC

1 comment:

  1. Wow DIR still lives, must be close to 60 years old that machine… is sunair part of classic flyers ?
