20 May 2024

Whanganui-Christchurch Flights


Air Chathams is encouraging the Whanganui District Council to invest in a Whanganui-Christchurch air service rather than a proposed $6.7 million parallel taxiway at Whanganui Airport.

Chief operating officer Duane Emeny said told elected members the council should investigate investing in establishing a new Air Chathams route to Christchurch. There was community demand and it would result in significant long-term commercial and social benefits, he said. “That investment would be structured as a loan, rather than a capex spend without recovery. “If we were to establish feasible routes to both Auckland, which we have currently, and Christchurch, which would be a new route, there would be a strong business case to consider moving our Auckland operations and aircraft maintenance to Whanganui.” Emeny said that would reduce Air Chathams’ overhead costs and foster collaboration with the council. Councillor Charlotte Melser asked if a Christchurch route depended on a council loan. Emeny said while he appreciated marketing support and aeronautical fee relief from the council, that would not be enough to “take that plunge” and establish the new route. The route had a lot of potential and customer feedback indicated strong support, he said. 

The full article can be found here : https://www.nzherald.co.nz/whanganui-chronicle/news/air-chathams-boss-calls-on-whanganui-council-to-invest-in-christchurch-route-instead-of-parallel-taxiway/R3RRI7N5ZNG3NPPCFUXTNYLTSE/


  1. I find it interesting that they are wanting to move to Whanganui

  2. I can hardly see a shift to Whanganui happening in reality. There are be dozens of staff based in the Auckland Hangar. I don’t think all of them would be prepared to make the move.

    1. 100%. No chance of Air Chathams relocating the AKL to WAG. It's not at all practical.

    2. Practicality becomes irrelevant when solvency and viability is the focus.

  3. Would be cool to see a B737 coming in for maintenance.

    1. No. And it will be a long way off. Although the runway may be finished on the island word on the street is that the capacity of one 737 is way too much for what needs importing and exporting.

  4. Airwork will be the first B737 flying freight from the Chathams very soon - helikiwi

    1. is that confirmed?

    2. Well they don't have any B737's and the runway is nearly finished. Airwork have some extra capacity after Texel got so me of their runs. So why not, have your cameras ready, will make some nice shots very soon. - helikiwi

  5. Our Runway has been finished for ages. Like well over a year. Only thing left is the Terminal building upgrade. This Islander has not heard anything about Airwork running 737s out here.
