03 July 2023

Remembering NATIONAL 441 - 60 years ago

It was a privilege to be part of this significant day...


Rev Dr Richard Waugh at the service adjacent to the accident site this morning. Richard has been instrumental in ensuring these sites are remembered. Today was a great tribute to his work, clearly appreciated by family and the local community

Unfortunately you can't see it... but trampers were shining a light from accident site that appeared as the service drew to its conclusion... a great effort appreciated by those present

Cold and bleak but for family of the deceased, locals and representatives of the airline industry a privilege to be there

The second flypast... Douglas DC-3 ZK-DAK flying past... as the roll call of the deceased was read a piwakawaka (fantail) flew right in front of the fire

Acolades to Classic Flyers Museum Tauranga... they have done an amazing job of providing a sacred space with a tangible reminder of loved ones lost

The 23 who perished on NATIONAL 441 

And now a part of that DC-3 ZK-AYZ has arrived... something to touch, something to remember. A reminder as we get on "The Repair Shop" of how things can connect us to those we loved. Classic Flyers have created a beautiful space where people can sit and remember. A model for museums across the country

1 comment:

  1. Such a tragedy, I’m glad the memorial has been done so well and respectfully. Ally.
