11 August 2015

Kiwi Regional's Saab has gone into the paint shop

Being readied for delivery to Kiwi Regional Airlines is Saab 340A SP-KPG which is now being repainted... Kiwi Regional's website says they are launching services on the 27th of October 2015 subject to regulatory approval.

Prior to going into the paint shop SP-KPG... The Saab still looks a nice plane!
Photos from Kiwi Regional's Facebook page... https://www.facebook.com/kiwiRegionalairlines?fref=ts


  1. What is up with the missing window? Is this part of the QC modification?

    1. Theres no window in the second row of any 340.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. KRA's launch has been delayed due to IT problems, see my comment on their Facebook post...

    1. Or just copy it over here for us. OR even better, provide a link!

    2. I don't buy that one. For an airline of this size, there is more than enough suitable third party software available that would manage all the required functions a small airline needed and any half decent I.T. specialist wouldn't take long to have everything integrated and up and running. This leads me to two options. One, they're attempting to do it on the cheap and have figured out that "oh, maybe this isn't as easy as we thought" or two, flags have been raised by the authority around compliance with regulations and the knock on result being a delay in issuing the AOC (which in itself could actually be down to I.T. issues e.g. procedures in place for tracking hours on the airframe/crew etc).

  4. I suspect that they can't find anyone to do their maintenance either........
